The other day I had to fill out a profile where I was asked about my hobbies and that really made me think about who I am… Sure I love the usual things like reading (I am currently reading the second book of Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, a must-read for everyone who loves India), I listen to music and go to concerts, I draw, do yoga and love running and I love my friends and family so I catch up with them whenever I can… but this somehow didn’t really describe who I am, this could be anyone. And then I realised I forgot my favourite of all hobbies, my passion and the one thing that I get never tired of and want to spend all day every day doing- travelling.
That’s it. I am a traveller and love everything that has to do with travelling – I love people, cultures, customs, countries, languages, flags… I read travel magazines and books, watch travel documentaries, buy guidebooks in second-hand stores because I know that one day I want to travel to the destination and I speak to people about their experiences. I am always planning my next holiday, although I only just returned from one. I studied tourism for my bachelor and masters at university and now I work in tourism, planning holidays for others. That’s me. I love planning, organising, exploring, researching and experiencing.
Over the next few blogs I will introduce you to some of my favourite places on earth and my bucket list of places to visit (which is never ending and ever growing!) So keep your eyes and ears open and watch this space.
Kat x (by the way, I am the new one at Silver Compass)